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          TED TALKS
                    MWANAFUNZI CLINIC                     LONDON DEV.CENTRE                     PRESIDENT MAGUFULI

Friday, February 2, 2018

NECTA CSEE Form Four perfomance report: Top 10 Students and Best Perfomed Schools

The National Examinations Council of Tanzania (Necta) has released the 2017 Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (CSEE) results showing that performance has improved by seven per cent compared to the year before.
Best students (Top 10).
1. Felison J Mde – Marian Boys (Pwani)
2. Elizabeth Mangu – Marian Girls (Pwani)

NECTA CSEE Form four results 2017/2018

CSEE Form four results 2017/2018
A total of 287,713 (77.09 per cent) out of 385,767 students who sat for Form Four National Examinations last year passed, the National Council of Examinations of Tanzania (NECTA) has announced today,Comparing to the previous year, 2016, in which 277,283 (70.09 per cent) students passed, the council data indicates that the performance has improved by approximately seven per cent.